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While swimming in the ocean at night, Nita encounters a dolphin (nicknamed 'Hotshot'), and Kit reports the local rocks' memory of disaster. High Wizardry (Wizardry Series) epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 下载 High Wizardry (Wizardry Series) pdf epub mobi txt 下载 图书描述

Young wizards Nita and Kit face their most terrifying challenge yet: Nita's little sister, Dairine. Not only is Dairine far too smart for a ten-year-old, she also has recenlty become a wizard, and worse yet, a wizard with almost 另一方面,epub 阅读的需求也逐渐式微,只有那些外文书籍或者早已绝版的书籍我才不得不求助于本地电子书。至于那些能在国内轻易买到的书籍,不论是买平均 20 多块一本的实体书或是上微信读书「白嫖」都是更好的选择,既能够支持作者也能够获得更好的阅读体验。 这便是为什么我说它只是一 Deep Wizardry. Formats: New, Used, Ebook Author: Diane Duane Year: 2001 Format: Paperback 384 pages ISBN: 0-15-216257-7 (0152162577) Filters On: remove all: Get Cashback | Report Inaccuracies: Related Categories Sell 9780152162573. Textbook Help It is about a boy who initially trains as a squire, but later decides to learn magic, and follows a wizard into a distant city to enroll into Schola Sorceriae, a school of wizardry, as a magician apprentice. There he studies several subjects, makes friends and enemies, takes part in all kinds of adventures, and finally manages to save the school by defeating an evil sorcerer.

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